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Peanut nutter

When someone nuts so much it's thick as peanut butter.

Sugar: *nuts* oof that was a load
Dude: Dude that was a peanut nutter.

by deep fried potato December 1, 2017

Peanuts butt

Peanuts out the butt

Joe R likes peanuts butt

by WHALER 71 October 31, 2020

peanut licker

An adjective referring to a person who is seeking favor by going out of the way to please the object of their desire.

An adjective referring to someone who licks the penis of someone he or she wishes to please.

See also brown noser, apple polisher, cock sucker, arse licker, or dick licker.

1. That guy wants a promotion so bad he's a real peanut licker.

2. Dwight really wants to be the manager of the Scranton office. Hes a real peanut licker.

3. How many licks does it take to get to the middle of a peanut? Ask Holly, she's a real peanut licker.

by tako November 23, 2013

Peanut butter technique

A fishing technique where you put peanut butter on your toe and you put it where the fishes are most likely populated.

Im using the “peanut butter technique

by Healthy alex July 13, 2022

Peanut butter cup cock

when you slap your dick onto a melted reeces peanut butter cup to cover your dick in peanut butter and chocolate

My girl only likes oral sex with a Peanut butter cup cock

by Guacomole Wigga Penis November 11, 2019

Peanut Clit

A clitoris that looks like a peanut & is big enough to suck on.

She had a peanut clit & let me tell ya, I was George Washington Carver that night, pal.

by AmadeuS469 March 23, 2021

peanut butter shelm

some good eat'n, a very taste treat that dont take to long to make!

" Wow this is some good eat'n this peanut butter shelm, it tastes as good as travis looks!"

by goodeatin November 28, 2003