n. Catastrophic bombing or wanton destruction of a helpless opponent in a pointless confrontation.
Kiev needs to ready itself;: a nuke rain is gonna fall.
Where a man ejaculates into the air and catches it in his own mouth.
YJ cut out the middle man from a Snowball and did a Rain Man instead
November Rain (Stand)
The Stand of the 15 year old Jodio Joestar, which appears in The JOJOLands, the ninth installment of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series. That fucking weed stand looks like if Hierophant Green was a fucking spider. His ability is manifestation heavy raindrops which can crush a human
Random Man: Yo I heard u got the stuff little man
Jodio: You got the money?
Random Man: NAH I'm gonna steal it from you
Jodio: Guess I'll shit on ya with November Rain
*proceeds to crush man with raindrops.
when you have every feeling at once. or, when you want to express love for someone
"Sorry, cant go out tonight, it's raining colours!"
"It's raining colours when I'm with you."
Some Australians are experiencing rain guilt over getting rain when other areas have not received any. They are careful not to celebrate their rain in case they make others jealous.
I need to see a psychologist as I am experiencing rain guilt. It has really added to my stress over the drought.
When a man delays receiving a blowjob because he needs to urinate first. His thoughtful consideration ensures a more comfortable and enjoyable experience for both parties, with the expectation that the favor will be honored later.
“We were getting into it, but I had to hit her with a golden rain check—no way I was gonna risk that kind of distraction.”
"She was all set to go, but I had to call a golden rain check. Came back refreshed and ready for round two.”
“Gave my girl a golden rain check last night. She actually thanked me for the courtesy.”
Performing random actions in hopes of meeting a lover's or spouse's unspoken expectations. If you ask, "What's wrong?" and your lover/spouse says "Nothing," a rain dance is often more productive than further conversation.
'Hey, is your wife speaking to you yet?" "Oh yeah, I did a two day rain dance over the weekend, cleaned up the attic and the yard and the trailer, one of them must have been what she wanted 'cause I got laid Sunday night."