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boom baby

Used as an exclamation when something incredibly spectacular happens. It can also be used to describe a clutch performance or an otherwise impressive feat.

As his teammate clinches a victory, Jake exclaims โ€œBoom Baby!!โ€

When something 'extra' special happens, just add "Kaboom" for emphasis...

"Boom Baby, Kaboom!!!!"

by Rsquared November 24, 2007

159๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

baby shit

A chemical paint remover commonly used by the military that almost instantly cracks and dissolves paint. It is commonly used on welds that require NDI "Non Destructive Inspection". Since sanding can alter / hide cracks a chemical stripper is needed. It is called baby shit because it smells horrible and looks like a brown sludgy liquid similar to baby shit. Currently California outlawed baby shit making it harder for the military service members to do their job. A weaker less effective chemical stripper was made to take its place however it is pink and not as strong. Baby shit can burn / slowly eat away your skin. And is not rinsed off metal after stripping it can cause Hydrogen embrittlement. Baby shit gets the job done in a timely fashion.

Hey PFC Shoemaker put some baby shit on those welds so we can take it over NDI. Make sure you have your eye, respiratory, and hand protection on or else the AMO will yell at you like your murdered some one.

by karog December 12, 2007

40๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

baby's daddy

A guy who is a lousy father, who gots one or more kids with one or more chicks and, thinks he's a pimp. And instead of takin care of the baby he goes out an finds another chick to fuck. Until she too becomes just another baby's momma and he moves on. So on and so forth.

girl one:"Who is that?"
girl two:"That's my dumbass baby daddy and his dumb ho"

by baby momma September 12, 2004

103๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

Baby Balls

A looked achieved by shaving your balls. The after effect is a look of adolescent genitalia disguised as a young boy. Used to visually increase the size of the male organ. This ceremonial tradition is often done to better aerodynamics, to increase effectiveness of pounding the vag. As well as, decreasing the likelihood of being discovered when T-bagging other individuals in their sleep.

His package was neatly trimmed, it looked like baby balls.

Dude, you can't T-bag him! He'll find out. "No its cool man, I got them baby balls"

by Takeout artist August 24, 2008

48๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


A baby formed from filthy and/or dilapidated used condoms that inseminates an ovum in the grimy gutter or trash receptical in a major metropolitan area. The ovum is usually the result of 1 day or more old hooker vaginal secretions.

No two humans exist that could naturally spawn something as filthy as you; you must be a chud-baby.

by Michael Hellbacon December 23, 2005

87๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Whining or complaining

Wife: "I can't hike all the way up that hill, I've got heels on."
Husband "Ah, quit your baby-cakin'."

by Straw Stack March 12, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

baby backdraft

During a tantrum: the dreadful pause that follows a baby's initial scream, as it sucks back more air, to release, an even louder, longer, more ear piercing shriek.

I was just settling into my seat on the plane, when a disgruntled baby nearby let loose with a blood curdling wail. Then came the baby backdraft. It took in a huge gulp of air. I sat helplessly in that half second of calm, waiting for the deafening howl to fill the cabin.

by shootandrun October 14, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž