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post-Twilight depression

The mixed feeling of wondering awe and devestating sadness when a person finishes the last book of the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn.

Caution: Persons may have suicidal thoughts after finishing this unrealistically intriguing series...if you are one of these people be sure to remember the future Twilight movies that are yet to be released and that the half book Midnight Sun is posted on Stephanie Meyers website.

Sally: (In library) I'm done...I hav officially finished the Twilight Saga. Im not sure if i shud cry, scream, laugh, or kill myself...

Hally: Omg!!! I thought the exact same thing when i finished them. Its called post-Twilight depression...just read Midnight Sun and it will go away.

by Live4Twilight July 1, 2009

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Post-Spurtum Depression

Usually occurs within 3 to 4 days post-coitus.

Its when reality dawns on your and you realize you should have wore a condom, or a better quality one.

Treatment includes stairs, and Captain Falcon.

Joe: Dude whats wrong?
Neil: I'm going through post-spurtum depression.
Joe: you need stairs, man...

by Arakzinul January 11, 2010

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Post Potter Depression

Well,Hp is finished. And we are all depressed,and It is like an ednd of the world,it really is. There will not be any more stories about Ron,Harry,Hermione,Hagrid,Sirius,Lavender,Parvato.Bill,Ginny,Fleur,Bella,Voldyyy xD,Draco,Crabbe,Goyle,Snape,Dumbledore,James,Lilly,Luna,Neville,FredmGeorge,Molly,Arthur.... I know I mentioned just a few.. bur I love them all!!!!

Post Potter Depression >Well,it is end

by IloveuuuPotter July 19, 2011

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post fatal depression

The feeling at the pit of your stomache that you acheive after watching a fatality, whether it be on a gore internet site or a violent film. One often feels guilty and suffers from post fatal depression. The emotion can be overcome by watching porn or something similiarly amusing.

1: Ive been watching suicide videos all day and i think im suffering from past fatal depression.

2: My cat just got run over, it was funny watching its organs explode on the front of the SUV but i think my little sis is suffering from Post fatal depression.

by Jared Ellis March 9, 2008

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post-onanismic depression

a feeling of depression and sometimes guilt one has after masturbation (onanism).

Some people are afflicted by post-onanismic depression.

by uttam maharjan August 10, 2010

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Anti-Depressant Salesperson

Someone who pisses you off for their own gain, enough for you to crave prozac.

Synonym: Prozac Representative

"Hey did you see Cheyney last night?"
"Yeah... that anti-depressant salesperson is out for a quick buck."

by chatters44 May 27, 2009

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postmodem bipolar depression

Unlike the previously mentioned in Urbandictionary 'postmodem depression' which is the feeling you get when you haven't had access to the internet for a long time, like several minutes. Postmodem bipolar depression is the feeling you get when your internet connection keeps going off: when it's up you feel happy and excited; when it's down, you feel sad, lonely and helpless. This can happen several times in a day.

I haven't seen your sister for days: I've heard she's suffering from postmodem bipolar depression.

by timidmoon November 22, 2010

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