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Pimp cup

The act of pouring liquid into someone's gaping asshole, then drinking sed liquid with a crazy straw out of the aforementioned asshole.

Ash wants to pimp cup Jaques, she wants to drink chocolate milk out of his asshole.

by Dragondaddy26 February 19, 2023

Faze pimp

Faze pimp is commonly know as a person who thinks that he is great but is sexual activity in Ukraine

Faze pimp can be called gay but he has a Uno reverse card on him at all times

Faze pimp and faze Asian are fighting again

by Dragonnight5Yt October 28, 2019

pimp filet

A way for a man to describe something that looks or smells very manly and attractive to ladies, such as fine clothes or good cologne.

Dude, that suit you're rocking is so pimp filet.

What's that smell? It's so pimp filet man, I bet that guy is picking up all the girls here.

by tabouras December 17, 2010

Algorithm Pimp

A marketer who makes content optimized purely for digital algorithms, instead of their audience's interests.

Devoid of substance and nuance, Algorithm Pimp's content usually features generic 101 advice, platitudes, truisms, Top 10 listicles, and whatever topic is currently trending in the world.

In SEO circles, Algorithm Pimps can be found on backlink farms, buying guest posts no one reads, promoting content that is SEO'd to the point where it's barely readable by a human being.

On social media, Algorithm Pimps run engagement pods, publish content at the exact same time every day, and tend to use bright color profile pictures to identify other Algorithm Pimps.

The fear of angering Zuckerberg's algorithms stops them from developing brand differentiation or an authentic point-of-view. Instead, they religiously follow best practices dictated by the channel they're marketing on.

Algorithm Pimps are usually strong performers on vanity metrics that don't quite translate to business results.

Due to their robot-like nature, Algorithm Pimps are most likely candidates to eventually be replaced by AI.

MARIO: Twitter has 237M users. But 99% of marketers don't follow the right people. Here are the Top 20 Marketers you should follow today. A THREAD 🧵

CALVIN: Yawn. Another algorithm pimp on my feed. Blocked and muted.

by Calvin Blanc November 23, 2022

Fob Pimp

A pimp, but instead of prostitutes, he/she goes for the asian fobs "fresh off boats"

The Fob Pimp is usually asian his/her self and may or may not look Fob His/her self.

Fob pimps usually have cousins 100 times heavier than the fob pimp.
Fob pimps favorite foods are of course asian foods especially instant noodles.

Fob pimps attract fobs with their asian style, and bboy dancing.
The Fob pimps worst enemy is anyone named Victor.
Fob Pimps musical selection of choice is anything K-pop.
The Fob Pimps favorite Fob is Holly because no matter how many Fobs Fob pimp collects. His/her favorite Fob is the Holly Fob.

Jennifer is such a fob pimp!
Snoop Fob

by FOBPIMPSMANAGER June 18, 2010

pimp a baby

Using a trusted person's baby or small child to claim as a qualifying child on your taxes to lower your tax due or get a money refund. The trusted person must not be required to (or will not) file taxes.

It's tax time and I need to find someone I can trust to a pimp a baby.

by Not a Philistine December 3, 2016

Pimp Nugglesworth

V. word used to describe the act of an unattractive man picking up a chick way out of his league.

That guy over there just went pimp nugglesworth all over that bitch.

by Rod Ballsacula January 9, 2011