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bucket moo

A woman with a very large vagina

'Man, dat bird got one serious dripping bucket moo'

by Stretchjohnson May 7, 2016

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baby in a bucket

It's when ur baby is very clumsy he can't walk crawl or lie down so you get mad at him always falling over and knock over your lamps and stuff so you spam the Internet for thing that will stop your baby from hitting your valuable stuff and you find that your baby is at the top of your counter so you see him fall off over the bucket you randomly keep in your kitchen and he fall in it and you say" please tell me you didn't break my bucket" so the the baby sits there and he isn't falling over anymore and your happy so you tell your friends that you have invented a way to stop your baby's clumsyness and you decided to call it baby in a bucket, thus baby in a bucket was born. The end

I need a baby in a bucket

by twj2001 May 11, 2016

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baby in a bucket

It`s when your baby is very clumsy. He can`t walk, crawl, or lie down so you get mad at him for always falling over and knocking over your lamps and stuff so you spam the internet for things that will stop your baby from hitting your valuable stuff and you find your baby is at the top of your counter so you see him fall in it and you say "Please tell me you didn`t break my bucket". So, the baby sits there and he isn`t falling over anymore and your happy so you tell your friends that you have invented a way to stop your baby`s clumsiness and you decided to call it "Baby in a Bucket". Thus, baby in a bucket was born. The End.

my baby is so clumsy , I must get my self a Baby in a Bucket.

by twj2001 May 10, 2016

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Squid Bucket

A term used to describe a place where chavs and harlots gather.

Guy 1: Are you going to Maccy D's tonight?
Guy 2: Jeesh no, that place us such a squid bucket!

by Princess Emily July 14, 2014

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Munch bucket

First stoner in your group to hit the munchies

Damn, dave is such a munch bucket

by D@v3 September 10, 2008

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Spunk bucket

Nothing but a hole to shoot your load in

That tramps a ducking spunk bucket

by 2inchpower1minfun January 26, 2019

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fuck it bucket

a term used for when you wan't to get rid or forget about something so you decide to throw it in the fuck it bucket.

angie: omg i'm so mad ava just called me a bitch!

lauren: bruh forget her, you need to throw her in the fuck it bucket.

by lildikgurl666 March 6, 2018

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