Source Code

Willy Barring

The act of willy barring is an unknown insult to bar staff. It is a throw-outable offence, even if the offense commitors dont know what they have done.

"Right come on lads, no willy barring in here"

by Eddie Hefford October 26, 2007

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smartie bar

the sweet nothing that one may whisper over textual message, while stronly under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

"oh you so silly, hit me with another cross street smartie bar."

by Kinsey-Loo October 27, 2008

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Dun Bar

to literally not bother in any scenario

"terry dun bar to text me back"

by billythepipes March 24, 2014

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Crunch Bar

A girl that looks like the back of a crunch bar when she cakes makeup over her acne.

girl 1: this bitch be lookin like a crunch bar

girl 2: ew I know right


by Babycakes066 October 15, 2015

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Foley Bar

a bar where old, creepy, possibly Senatoial gay men hang out.

Young gay 1: This bar is dead. Want to head to _______?
Young gay 2: Ewww, no. It's a total Foley bar... but we'll probably get free drinks, so why not.

by verticalQ January 20, 2008

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Bar Stool

When your cock is so enormous that a chick can only fit the head inside of her as she tries to ride you, and you can then have some fun by spinning her around on it like a barstool.

This bitch was so too tight to fuck properly, so I decided to give her a spin on the ol' Bar Stool.

by Michael Gargiulo May 11, 2005

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nutty bar

The sexual act occurring on a beach or other sandy venue in which the male pulls out of the twat, dips his wang in the sand, and shoves it back in. Also known as a nut roll.

I really hated it when my boyfriend gave me a nutty bar; I couldn't have sex for a week afterward!

by Clair May 11, 2005

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