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Montreal Steak Seasoning

A seasoning containing a variety of herbs and spices. Can be used on many different meats from beef to poultry. Usually used by people that are not good at cooking and commonly used on chicken and rice.

Man Zachary is using montreal steak seasoning again? He must on be a basic bitch.

by Chicken and rice boy January 2, 2022

Gyatting season

Gyatting season refers to the season of the gyatt. The gyatting season starts with the 2nd of feburary, and ends on the 4th of may. During the Gyatting season, people may choose to hit their homies' gyatt so hard that their testicles simultaneously combust.

You know it's gyatting season right? *slaps gyatt*
Are you ready for gyatting season next week? It's gonna be lit.

by LynxOverwatch February 22, 2024

season 9

A season in League of Legends that destroyed all hopes and dreams of this game. Worst season so far.

1. example)
Rat earl: Dude what are you doing?!

Yimito: It's season 9, nobody cares anymore.

2. example)
*Jungler dies 5 times to enemy midlaner*
Permabanxd: It's season fckin 9.

by AbysmaI October 10, 2019

Slap That Ass Season

In October it is known to be slap that ass season

Hey guys! It's slap that ass season.

by Khris Mich October 15, 2019