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clit warrior

Clitimax maximus

Or in English : woman who bangs her clit so much it’s beat the hell up

Jenny is such a clit warrior I swear

We know babe, we know

by Joel Holstein January 6, 2021

Wednesday warrior

Somebody who stormed the United States Capitol on Wednesday, January 6, 2021.

Have you seen all those videos of people getting yoinked at the airport after being identified as Wednesday warriors? What were they expecting, a visit from the Tooth Fairy?

by Hogtrude Parker January 12, 2021

Downhill Warrior

A downhill warrior a downhill longboarder. Not your average longboarder, cruising or commuting. A downhill warrior is always on the hunt for the gnarliest\steepest roads out there. You will never catch a downhill warrior dancing on their board.

Man that guys a true downhill warrior, did you see his video of him skating that mountain road?

by Gdash254 April 30, 2016

downhill warrior

A running jargon term for one who runs slowly up hills and on flat surfaces, but sprints down hills. Downhill warriors are generally looked down upon by other runners, and discouraged by coaches, because excess downhill sprinting is bad on the knees.

I got passed by a downhill warrior around kilometer 3, but quickly caught up.

by Teh Rote August 1, 2008

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Warrior Brain

A person who, without any critical or logical thinking changes into battle. Often to the demise of friends, party and family members.

"God, *name* is such a Warrior Brain."

by DiversionRoute April 14, 2024

Warrior princess/prince (BDSM)

Is an expanded term on princess/prince (BDSM) that signifies a style of foreplay where the submissive acts strong and defiant to then be overpowered by the dominant into a submissive state, enhancing the domination/submission ratio further.

"Do you want to be my warrior Warrior princess/prince (BDSM) tonight?"

by Windwave99 November 7, 2022

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Fashion Warrior

Dresses the way they think warriors would dress, uses key words, and talks a big game buy lacks the substance of what makes a warrior a warrior...

Fashion Warriors love to virtue signal.

Look at that Fashion Warrior, all charisma, no courage

by March 12, 2022