A chat that consists of mutual friends of a person for use as blackmail by posting incriminating information about a person
Bro I was in a blackmail chat of a random person I played cod with
you are supposed to text holger and ignore him next day for no reason.
When u want to know a an msn convo without having a full explanation.
user1: dude i asked her out
user2: what did she say?
user1: well she was like..
user2. Nvm just send chat log.
‘Bungle’ to chat absolute nonsense
Stop chatting bungle to me.
Choff in the gat. In other words, when your autocorrect corrects “Gotchya” into “Goff in the Chat” And your friend spends hours trying to decipher what you are saying.
Andy - “Let me know if you want to go to the movies!”
Liam - “Ahh, Goff in the chat.”
Andy - “ What the fuck did you just say to me?”
Talking nonsense.
Can also mean making up lies to make yourself look better.
Closely related to terms such as “Chatting shit” and “Talking bollocks”
Barry: “I knocked out like 4 man the other day with my bare hands”
Kevin: “Nah you’re chatting Boris!”
Like "get a room", this phrase is used when two people are obviously flirting on facebook, using comments or wall posts so that everyone can see all they write.
Person A and B have written 36 comments back and forth on some post
Person C: "Get a chat guys!"