A Political simp is a someone who posts something political to gain bias from a group of people
**Company Posts Black Square**
Jimmy~ Omg X is being such a Political Simp
EX #2:
**White Girl Posts Black Square**
YEEYEE~ This bitch a liberal YEET
the act of telling your homies that you'll do anything for them so they know u care about them so much
we're homie simping for you
Somebody who's being simped for by another person.
A: Dude, C is such a simp machine. How does she tolerate D's simping?
B: Probably not well. laughs She's already with E anyway! What a simp D is.
the god of all simps he will simp for simps
i am the SIMP GOD please respect me
Being an idiot while infected with covid 19
Bruh1: hey man why u acting so weird
Bruh1: *drunk as fuck* cuz iiimmmm infected with simp - 19
A guy or female that rage and calls fifa a tradh game after losing 0 - 3 in Fut champs but still plays the game.
Kári you always call fifa trash but you still play it you FIFA simp!