Where Lee has a cheeky beer
“Did you see how hungover Lee got in The Coopers arms last night?”
Having a great body but have saddle bag arms. From afar the illusion is the arms look buff. Widely used reference to Man-At-Arms from He-Man.
Did you end hook up with that cougar we saw at the bar? No bro, she was Mom At Arms!
A sport where two people typically men try to prove who has the strongest arms. It is a way to settle arguments around who has the most testosterone and is the most powerful and dominant.
Bro he is the best arm wrestler at the lunch table that means he has the most testosterone and is the coolest and absolutely nothing beyond beating him at arm wrestling would change that.
Moving elbows in a suggestive squatting motion while exercising
Doing your arm twerkout tonight?
Imagine dislocating your pinky trying to get a rebound
That dude is so tough even tho he has a dislocated pinky on your right arm
The meat that hangs below a large woman’s arms.
Good lord Robin, did you see the arm steaks on that whale?