A sexual challenge where each ring colour represents a different activity:
Blue: Sex in water
Red: Sex on her period
Black: Anal Sex
Green: Sex outside
Yellow: Sex involving urine
Me and the girlfriend wanted to spice up our relationship, so we attempted the olympic rings sex challenge
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In the same vein as the cinnamon challenge, the Sweet 'n' Low Challenge requires someone to down a whole packet of Sweet 'n' Low artificial sweetener and try not to gag on how disgusting it is.
COURNTEY: "Kellen just did the Sweet 'n' Low Challenge!"
SARAH: "Yes, I could tell by the look of pain on his face as he fell to the ground coughing and desperately called for water."
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Because of the limited production of the Sublime Challenger Scat Pack many have not been provided a real life experience of the colors powers. True Mopar aficionados understand that Sublime is unarguably the fastest of all Mopar colors. With not only many years of exclusivity dating back to the 1970's but once sprayed on today's modern muscle Scat Packs they have clearly shown their dominance over all other "regular" hues (including TorRed) and even the other High Impact colors. Sublime has shown its true color dominating both track & street dominance. Long live Sublime's speed superiority! Universally known as the fastest Mopar hue.
The Sublime Challenger Scat Pack is the fastest color of the Mopar hues.
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Show found on Spike TV. More-the-less a Jackass gameshow. Hosted by Vic Romano and Kenny Blankenship... but we all know it's Captain Teneal who carries all the weight on that show.
I saw some guy get his nuts totally annihilated on Most Extreme Elimination Challenge last night!
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When itβs pool day in school, and you have to try to poop in the pool without being noticed
Ali-A just posted a video on the wet Wednesday poop challenge and failed
The act of dancing in the style indicative of the animatronic's featured at Chuck E. Cheese's and challenging a friend, colleague, family member, or celebrity to do the same.
Forget the mannequin challenge man- have you checked out those guys doing the Chuck E. Cheese Challenge yet?!
The ferocious act of training ones dick head to grab a piece of KFC chicken out of your girls booty hole like a claw machine.
Seagull: Yo Jordan, my girl got a chicken breast stuck up her booty hole.
Big J: That shit must have been greasy as fuck, what did you do?
Seagull: I ferociously trained my dick head to grab chicken out of her shitter.
Big J: Damn!!!! The classic KFC Dong Grabbing Challenge.
Seagull: I ate that chicken breast after too, it was finger lickin' good!