Credit goes to the California Clam Slap Connoisseur himself: Mr. B. Fluke of Escondido, California.
When your bumping uglies with a broad doggie style right before filling her pie with your cream you quickly take out your mushroom tipped yogurt slinger and cum in your hand discreetly, but they key here is not letting her know you Busted your load in you're hand, you just play it off and keep going and then a few seconds later you slap her in that makeup caked face with the hand full of semen (she's probably going to start fucking losing it so make sure you're holding on tight) then keep on smashing that ass cause it will then turn into a rodeo until she bucks so hard you fall off. Then run cause she'll be ready to chop off your beloved tallywacker.
I was so hammered last night I pulled a California Clam Slap on that wicked ugly prostitue from behind the sevy.
The act of shitting on your girlfriends vagina after the act of eating her out.. closely related to the Cleveland steamer
“Bro I gave my girlfriend a clamtown steamer last night” “damn dude what is that” “I shit on her pussy after I ate her out, that’s a nice clam town steamer”
When a girl cancels a date due to having the Corona virus
I thought we really hit it off. Today she tells me to keep away she has the Corona virus .
She just got Corona clam jammed
A ritual from an orgy when all men ejaculate into a bowl, and after the females dump their heads in, in an orderly fashion
Sorry mom, I have to borrow your bowl from the kitchen cuz we need it for the clam chowder swirly later
To ram ones clam is to stick your penis in their vagina
That crazy broad at the bar asked me to ram her clam
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A common disturb that still affects too large of a part of the male humans.
The male individual with SCS starts showing symptoms of it when, dating some particularly hot broad, he starts losing touch with his own reality and himself as he used to be, and as he used to be known by his friends (yielding to any stupid tantrums she may come up with, skipping ballgames with buddies, paying attention to silly frivolous shit to please her...).
The condition, in its worst, degenerating forms, could bring to extremes such as jealousy driven paranoia, lost of any interest but trying (in vain) to satisfy any other of her requests, or even leaving a family with kids to pursue an hot babe that will certainly leave you broke or broken.
Mark: "hey man, Joe's completely out of control. Since he got with that chick, Shenonda, all he does is checking his phone, trying to reach her, taking notes of her gf's birthdays to appear nice and establish himself in her circle...".
David: "I know...he got the smoking clam syndrome just like a couple of years ago with that stripper from Diego".
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When a male and female are on all fours, with their asses touching. With a tricky arch of the back and bend of the penis, the male makes his entry.
I've banged this girl so many times, I'm getting bored. Might have turn myself around and pull the reverse clam-slam on her.
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