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Lady GodGod

When someone loves Lady Gaga so much, she is their god.

Gayboy1: Did you go to the monsterball?

by SonjaGanja November 1, 2011

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Lady Cyanide

Refers to someone who's not polynesian, but has an intimate grasp of aloha

That Lady Cyanide, she's all about the aloha.

by babymako June 18, 2008

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Faxy Lady

A faxy lady is a plus sized woman who is still totally hot. "Faxy" is fat plus sexy. It is also a play on words stemming from the 1970's phrase, "Foxy Lady". You must be at least a size 16 or larger to be considered a Faxy Lady.

Guy one: You see that big chick over there? I think I am gonna hit that tonight.

Guy two: I don't blame you, dude. That's one Faxy Lady!

by TheGoddessCher October 6, 2010

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Lady ADD

A dude who constantly flirts with every lady he comes in contact without regards to the current task at hand.

Kenny has Lady ADD when he should be helping out the next customer. He's flirting with a lady, when he should be helping out with projects at work.

by mykye April 25, 2010

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lady gaga

mother monster, the creator of universe, humans, animals, elements and german, is also known as lady gaga.

β€œis lady gaga daddy?”

by sapphicyuz March 3, 2021

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Lady Glaze

The white gooey stuff that excretes from a women's vagina during sex, either ejaculation or the cream from a yeast infection. May be good or bad depending on the situation.

"Dude that girl was squirting lady glaze all over the place last night."

"Dude that hoe needs some Vagisil, she got lady glaze all over my junk."

by BigTunaCanDoThisAllDay June 30, 2022

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lady poofta

A rare sub-population of dyke. Often of unkempt appearance and usually sporting a flannelette shirt complemented by a pair of skate shoes &/or boots.

Although similar to the common 'butch dyke' or 'bulldyke' in demeanor, obesity and general shitness: lady pooftas are distinguishable by the appearance of foam under the armpit (particularly prominent in hotter climates) and highly pronounced facial and back hair. Further differentiation also arises in the feet and genitals, where phenotypically webbed-toes and a large clitoris are observed.

Due to this particularly large clitoris, most lady pooftas are capable of producing what is commonly referred to as a 'veginis'.

#1 'Dude did you hear about Tammy?'
#2 'Tammy? That lady poofta on 5th and Main?'
#1 'Yeah dude, Sarah tells me she pulls a pretty convincing veginis'

by Lemistree June 10, 2011

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