1. a terrible, awful smell 2. a slang word meaning amazing, synonyms such as sick and mint
1. that smells dank
2. it tastes dank
Dude that party last night was dank with Jimmy is girl
Penelope howland
Damn that's Penelope howland, she's the dankest of the dank.
Something that is dank is godly. Only used with the word Meme, or Mememaster. Such as Dank Meme, or Dank Mememaster. If something is Dank it is very good, and will make many laugh. Not to be confused with a rare meme/pepe, However rare and Dank can be closly related.
These Damn Memes sure are dank.
I have created a Dank Meme
When something is shitty and not well-made, but is still funny as fuck.
"Sup man, you know Reddit"
cool awesome fantabulous dank
that yellow mustang is pretty dank yes i did use the word dank in the sentence! dank dank dank dank dank
dank means that you like to smoke lots of weed and crack you also have to like the freshest memes.
wow m8 you a dank man you must like them fresh memes