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captain pants

1:PN: the great warrior who defended the tortillas from the communist in 1989. Also known for his gift of pants to the eskimos in 1972.
2:N: A man who defends starch products from left wing nut jobs. Must love pants.

Captain Pants is my hero.

by Bob Awesome June 20, 2005

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puss pants

A fat, blonde haired bitch who sucks the penis and has really big tits.

School Student: Yo, what's up puss pants!
Zach or Austin: Fuck you man, I'm sad now.

by Mr. Cartman May 23, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

your pants

a phrase uttered when the person you are speaking to refuses to cease making yo mama jokes. generally, your opponent will be so confused/surprised/disgusted with your comeback that he/she/it will run away, cursing loudly.

of course, this may also lead to a "your pants" war of words. if that arises, it is best advised to a) run away, b) punch the person repeatedly in the face and run, or c) keep firing back with a combo iof yo mama and your pants statements until they get bored and leave.

1: yo mama likes the cock!

2: your PANTS like the cock!!!

1: o.O *runs away*

2: VICTORY!!! *strikes a pose and walks away*

by ravenofroses March 31, 2006

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bitch pants

A person, normally female, who is in a particularly bad mood.

"Danielle stop complaining and take off your bitch pants."

by Lori L. Danielle S. Lisa H. November 7, 2007

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emo pants

REALLY tight pants emo boys wear to show everyone their lack of a penis. Also entertainment for passersby to wonder how early the emo pant - wearer had to get up that morning to put on his emo pants.

wow...how early did he have to get up this morning to be able to get his emo pants on?

by Kaley02030405 April 1, 2008

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purple pants

a gay poor boy who wears the same outfit every day . trys to seem not gay by kissing girls .

hey look its purple pants

by magoo robinson January 28, 2009

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saucy pants

A woman seen to be so "saucy" or attractive that she would in fact cause you to fill your pants with your sauce. Usually yelled at women from across the street or from a moving vehicle.

Tom: hey dude, check out saucy pants over there
Mark: oh man, i think i just came in my pants


by Art Vanderlay November 3, 2007

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