Sharlston Community school, although officially a school for 4 to 11 year olds, the average pupil age is 42. Sadly due to the deprivation in the area, children are held back each year. Those that fair worst are 17th generation Sharlston related to their brothers, mums, sisters, cousins, dad. It's normal to date the next door neighbour who's probably already their first cousin. They will aspire to one day have their own council house and go to pay weekly sofas for a 3 piece suite. Nutrition is poor so children are often clinically obese, the average child is at least 6 stone over the recommend bmi. The school serves meat pie, turkey dinasours and custard every day, the 5 dehydrated peas in the offal pie count as the 5 a day , the head cook Shazza says she's extremely proud of her healthy wholesome menu. The pta often fund raise, selling raffle tickets, to fund the new roof. Sadly the money is paid maintain the teachers wine fund and to pay off ofsted with no benefit to the school. Lessons are not planned, with Chinese nail beauticians paid peanuts to watch the children while the teachers swan off on school trips to Italy without the children.
I go to sharlston Community school
A male or female that goes around.
Jake: Hey, have you met Kate yet? I’m really starting to fall for her!
Jesse: Oh no dude, don’t start falling for Kate! She’s a community bitch.
The unpatriotic act turned the country into the United Stasi of America and the Stasi CIA, FBI, NSA unintelligent agencies run the program and confusion centers make up terrorist because there aren't any and outsource most of the harassment to local community groups such as infraretard and neighborhood nazis and Stasi pigs and insecurity guards, who are the FBI's (f) lying monkeys that smear campaign, track, harass, gaslight, 24/7 monitoring and sabotage waiting for you to make a mistake and their only protocol is to kill the targeted individual with plausible deniability. Fake Bureau of Investigation runs gangstalking (COINTELPRO) and Clowns Idiots and Assholes runs electronic harassment (MK ULTRA) to Disrupt, Discredit, Divide (DDD) to isolate, set up, nuetralize non investigative subjects by inducing mental breakdowns, psychosis, regression, helplessness, homelessness, hospitalization, incarceration, suicides, homicides, heart attacks, cancer, and car accidents that's undetectable and it's hard to prove because of invisibility, secrecy, and deception. Zersetzung is death by 1000 cuts. Slow Dagger Masonic revenge poisons every aspect of you're life to completely isolate you so you commit suicide. Freemasons are widespread in the CIA and are tied to the police and are community oriented. Gangstalkers are community oriented parasites or community oriented pussys or Coordinated Organized Persecution Stalking (COPS) program.
Gangstalking is community policing..
some LARPers in a large Roblox community using paint buckets to mark political borders and advances in war. all we do is scream about a war advance and hate frpers and call a mod for someone one sentence short and always complain about our eras and fpers
the WC community is like 1984.
The shittiest school you could ever come across it’s a poor school with some next pedo teacher (mr Levi) and a weird head teacher that smiles at kids for no reason the teachers most likely shop at Lidl and buy some off brand coke that will definitely give you aids
Rah he goes Chace Community he’s definitely gonna end up being a tramp on Oxford road begging for a pound to buy a pack of cigarettes
A really cool discord user that participates in lego game exploiting
Look its hyper communism
oh that gay cunt?
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