Explosive, wet shits. Diarrhea of the highest caliber. Scooter juice is typically a multi-occurrence affair. Generally keeps one within quick scooting distance to a toilet for one or more days. Hallmarked by sheer fear of shitting oneself.
My ass is torn up from the scooter juice.
Doctor said this scooter juice will have to run it’s course. My oring may be blown out by then.
I was home bound for three days with the scooter juice.
The source of energy for all simps. Once it goes out, no more simping.
Don't look at that simp. He already ran out of simp juice.
When someone who is normally ok sober has a drink and turns into someone else or displays other personality traits
"When Jen gets on the Jekyll Juice shes gets aggressively randy"
"Uh oh, Dan's been on the Jekyll Juice again, he's offering out that policeman"
A mans hefty testicles can be defined as a juice crew. His two balls are a crew for producing juices.
Hey bro you have a pretty big juice crew there.
Man I sure love it when someone plays with my juice crew.
"Hey Jerry, Remember when that dickwad in high School put ecstasy in the juice, ecta-juice"
The tears the form from your eyes after and while yawning.
All that yawn juice coming from his eyes are concerning!