The largest piece of fecal matter in a single bowel movement. Can arrive alone, or among a smaller, heralding convoy of toadies, known as Turdies.
I thought I'd finished dumping a load; little did I know the Mother Shit had yet to arrive.
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When two men, sitting in adjacent bathroom stalls, engage in casual conversation while defecating.
John and Paul were in the bathroom having a shit shat.
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An exclamation of surprise.
Well shit Larry, I didn't know you were comming to the reunion.
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A useless person who spews crap and bullshit out of their mouth constantly.
"Do you know Doug?"
"Are you talking about that big piece of shit fucktard that is nothing but a bumbling, stinking parasitic wretch?
"Yes, that's exactly who I am talking about!"
"Ya that dude is a pathetic idiot who is full of crap, and wallows in the sewer of life."
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That moment when you're having terrible constipation and you try to push shit out, and it almost gets out... But you stop pushing for a few seconds and the shit is sucked back in to your anus. It sounds like a fart sample, but reversed.
The fine fellow Shrek was reverse shitting the other night. I heard it getting sucked back in really loud.
When you take a large, stiff shit that causes you to make a screeching howl much like godzilla.
Someone in the stall next to me was taking a serious godzilla shit!
A person who reacts like a squid when confronted but, in lieu of ink, utilizes their own shit to spew on to everything around them.
Frederick's such a shit squid, he accuses everyone of the same shit he does anytime he gets called out.