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college girls

Same thing as high school girls but with bigger tits and legal. But still bitchy, cause drama, are sluts, anorexics, party, blah blah blah

College girls are not much different than high school girls. Most of them are 18 or 19.

by Kyle 230 May 5, 2010

255πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

City Girl

A girl who has been hurt over and over again by boys or men and now does not care about boys or their feelings. She is not a hoe or a whore just do not care about who she hurts or how she did it. She does not believe in falling love because of her past relationships with men. She is bad bitch if boys can do why can't girls we can just do it better and have no guilt or remorse behind it

A became a city girl when my boyfriend thought he could just keep hurting me and then coming back like nothing happened.

by Barbra chame November 5, 2018

1010πŸ‘ 336πŸ‘Ž

Swedish Girls

Swedish girls are some of the hottest girls on the planet! They aren't slags, they are gorgeous and often have sizable breasts, a hot body AND a sexy face. Widely recognised as one of the hottest countries, and with good reason. The girls you pass everyday in the streets are seriously model material.

Tim: I'm totally thinking of going to Sweden for a week, not sure if it's worth the cost though..

John: Are you freaking joking? Swedish Girls are f*cking HOT!

by Al989 February 28, 2010

319πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

mmmhmmm girl

a woman, often old and black, that has a lot of soul
says mmmhmmm and girl frequently.

example of mmmhmmm girl: "Mmmhmm, go on girl, you know how it iz! Mmmhmm, girrrrl you know how we do up in here! ATL! Holla!"

by Da truf! August 25, 2006

86πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

sweatpants girl

The stereotypical college girl of the modern era. She always wears sweatpants (unless she's wearing pajamas), because she feels that her complete and total comfort trumps the fact that she looks like a complete and total slob. The sweatpants are usually accompanied by a school t-shirt and flip flops in the summer and a school sweatshirt and Ugg boots in the winter. Common accessories include an extremely expensive handbag to go with her clearance-sale sweatpants, and sunglasses that take up half of her face. A cellular phone can always be seen close by, for the rapid sending and receiving of text messages, unless at the moment she's preoccupied with listening to the latest chart-topping rap song on her iPod.

Nicole is a sweatpants girl. She rolls out of bed five minutes before class, never brushes her hair, and can always be seen in sweatpants (except for the times she gets up so late she just keeps her pajamas on).

by pbm19 April 1, 2008

256πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

arlington girl

Living in the Washington, DC Suburb of Arlington, Arlington Girl is a young woman in her mid to late twenties waiting to get married.

She is a native of Pennsylvania, Ohio or Southern California, but attended university on the east coast - typically a larger school with a Division I sports program and rigorous, but not too tough academic standards - Examples would be James Madison University, Penn State, College of Charleston, or University of Rhode Island. During college Arlington girl was a sister of Delta Gamma or Kappa Alpha Theta sororities.

When she didn't find a husband during college, she moved to Washington, DC because Daddy couldn't afford to buy her a condo in NYC or because the college boyfriend (an engineering or accounting major) has a job in DC.

Arlington girl works exactly 40 hours a week, spending much of that time at anntaylorloft.com or bananarepublic.com. After work she goes to many happy hours in downtown washington, drinking several $15 martinis while trying to meet Mr. Right. Sometimes, when her "allowance" from daddy is running low, she goes to dollar draft night at Rock Bottom Brewery in Ballston.

She lives in a 1 bedroom apartment or has recently secured a condo or townhouse with Daddy's generous help on the down payment. The apartment is filled, painstakingly, with Pottery Barn furniture, but the refrigerator is empty - except for leftovers from dinner out 3 nights ago.

Arlington girl will live in Arlington until she: a) gets married and moves to a McMansion in Fairfax county or b) turns 30 and is still single - then she'll get her MBA from George Mason or George Washington and move to New York.

Arlington girl may also make appearances in gentrified and gentrifying sections of Washington DC - like Eastern Market and other areas of Capitol Hill. The distinguishing factor between Arlington girl and Capitol Hill girl is that Arlington Girl makes 2-3 times as much Capitol Hill girl and therefore is not prostituting her self like Jessica Cutler.

See also marina girl or trixie for her San Francisco and Chicago counterparts

Like all Arlington Girls, Jessica was excited to be attending her best girl friend from her sorority's bachelorette party in Las Vegas.

by Princess Bee September 15, 2006

488πŸ‘ 152πŸ‘Ž

Popular girls

Stuck up pretty rich girls who pretend to love, but actually hate each other and can’t go 20 seconds without gossiping about there β€œfriends” or people they don’t even know. Wear Abercrombie and Converse, do either volleyball or gymnastics and have perfect hair. Guys love them and fall for there nice girl act. Some teachers are best friends with them for some unknown reason.

Alexis: Selena is so annoying

Kali: I know right! Let me just finish commenting on your post β€œilysm my girllllllll β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ˜β€ even though I just told Ava you think that every guy likes you. Popular girls

by 3009 July 5, 2018

30πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž