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Banks Flu

A sickness that makes your voice slightly deeper to the point where you sound like Faze Banks and you have to tell everyone about it. REPEATEDLY , often to annoy the Smole Kid.

Quinn: Oh boy, I think Aidan has the Banks Flu again...
Aidan: Guys I sound like Faze Banks
Quinn: *tries to say anything*

by Lil Smole August 29, 2018

Banks Flu

A cold that makes your voice slightly deeper to the point where you sound like Faze Banks, and you feel the need to tell people repeatedly

(Note: this is very annoying to a Smole Kid

Aidan : guys I sound like Faze Banks.
Quinn: that’s cool, but have you heard that new Lil Pump Album....
Quinn: oh God he’s got the Banks Flu

by Lil Smole August 31, 2018

Rob Banks

an unfortunate name

no one wants to be called rob banks

by Stupid Af July 25, 2021

2👍 2👎

Rob Banks

A noted British police constable with an unfortunate name.

Don't rob any banks.

If you rob banks, Police Constable Rob Banks will arrest you and have the local magistrate throw you into something called a gaol.

by bitchuck December 15, 2024

1👍 1👎

Raven Banks

Jamal is dumb to let this beautiful woman go.

Raven Banks is raw asf bro and she sexy

by Nick Davis June 26, 2022

Jayden banks

Dread headed, godzilla loving, pomegranate eating, halo playing boy. Buy him buldak ramen and he’ll love you but will consequently be shitting his guts out 6 hours later. Very kind and patient. 100000/10

Damn Jayden Banks farts are straight up fucking mustard gas.

by mochikochkin November 24, 2021

slang bank

your bank of slang terms. no one really cares if you are rich in the bank but at least maybe you get some respect. urbdic is basically a general bank, but everyone also has their own. often it can be an embarrassment. See figure 1.

figure 1:
you're not so tope buddy in the seat to the right of you who unfortunately is also a brony: hey can you spill the tea

You: bet ofc. its all thats rad. i can't deal with that emo kid. such a karen i say, with no cap. i ship her with that tool tyler. once i opened a note she passed and it said CU46. wtf get a room. hes also the guy with the molly at that darty last weekend. we told him it was lowkey but hes a crunk. that was tubular though. anyway, wanna come over for a little cheeba?

you're not so tope buddy in the seat to the right of you who unfortunately is also a brony: ok bet. please lay off the cringe. hey since when has your slang bank been so titanic?

You: always been lit.

by verycreativeps3udonym September 23, 2021