What the fax machine is used in many ways and can state many things but there is one phrase that rules all... when someone hurts themselves they say.
Holy fax machine can also state the curse word fu*k
“You are such a HOLY FAX MACHINE! meanie!”
An Holy Meat Clench is the act of using holy water to masturbating vigorously.
Did you hear, Bobby did a Holy Meat Clench right in the middle of mass!
A term used when someone has done something very impressive or surprising. Especially used when it is something that you wouldn't do or most people wouldn't do.
Holy Shit Son you have balls of steel.
An expression when three occurrences of fucked up shit is happening in one’s life.
Dude 1: Hey man, you seem down. What’s going on?
Dude 2: Yeah I am! My truck broke down, girlfriend is pregnant and I’m out of cigarettes!
Dude 1: Fuck, it seems like you’ve encountered the holy trinity of bullshit!
The holy roman empire is neither Holy, Roman, Or an Empire.
An association of engineers from the popular game “Team Fortress 2” led by the current Pope of the Holy Texist Church
I heard that The Holy Texist Church damn near religiously use either the Gunslinger or the Eureka Effect
a shit that was sent by god to rid the world of evil
Person: Holy shit on an altar! were saved!