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When there is a war

Something Trump won't pay attention to because of his "TWEETING"

Mr.Trump, I... " Not now, I'm tweeting!" But when there is a war!... " What did i just say!"

by iLik3B4tMan March 25, 2017

Highligher wars

When your friend highlight ur fucking ass

no highligher wars pls

by YAYMANYAY February 2, 2022

War at mickles

All hell breaks loose, war, cum, shit,mud,pool, jumping, forking, end of GOONS.

Have you seen the Great War at mickles of 2021 shit was wild

by Roman demstrom May 25, 2021

Pussy wars

An battle between two or more females who use every shady and vindictive move possible, to win the heart and/or penis of the man they all desire. These females will do anything to get laid by this guy for nainly bragging rights stating she a ho. She the main ho.

Oh wow, lyle must be special because hes the center of the pussy wars.

by VindictiveAngel January 24, 2023

yard war

A long lasting fight or great amount of tension between two or more neighbors.

Little Girl: Did you hear that the Attucks and the Benesons are having a yard war?

Little Boy: Yah

Little Girl: Adults are so weird!

by I Am Mii (Miami) January 17, 2014

Reality War

The war fought in a series of ongoing battles between society's most powerful entities as they endeavor to convince as many people as possible to accept their version of reality and think, feel, and act accordingly.

Reality is essentially what is accepted as existing, in other words, "what is." To convince others to believe that reality is what they say it is, religious organizations, governments, corporations, mass media outlets, universities, writers, intellectuals, artists, musicians, singers and other performers, scientists, and the masses all engage in the Reality War in as best their money and other resources permit.

There are personal, past, present, proposed, debunked, fraudulent, altruistic, positive, negative, imagined, factual, fictitious, and many other types of realities.

Some realities are more extensive and complex, and it is generally impossible to conclusively prove whether a reality is true or false.

The first reality to exist was and is the Original Reality and those who believe God created everything accept it as the one true reality, undistorted by the now almost ubiquitous overt, covert, or subliminal messages to the contrary.

by but for February 14, 2018

OK war

A war in texting wear you just text OK until someone stops

" I won the OK war yesterday"

by Nerd Herd May 14, 2015