A person that’s constantly crying about how “bad” cod is now and whines over every little thing that’s added to the game. They worship the older games to point where they might as well stick a copy on a blowup.
Usually seen under Cods Instagram comments or Twitter.
Person: God! They’re ruining the entire franchise by adding in a Snoop Dogg skin! The old games were never like this
Person 2: stfu Cod Boomer
Biggest boomer in the whole world
Boomer Thomas is such a boomer
A style of grabbing that is calm and collected, strategically sound, and done with deliberate force, an unblockable attack, often used as a grapple-throw combo, very powerful when used with Boomer Throw.
“Your sign is offensive” says the Zoomer emo kid in all black,
“No Mark, Mark! Mark! stop!” says the sign holder
“Boomer Grab” he whispered under his breath gripping the back of the emo boys neck and his shoulder to restrain arm movement of the frail boy.