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Grand wizard

The grand wizard leader of the kool kids klub made by David is based on the kkk he is very strong so strong that he says the n-word without the pass he hates black people and has a all black robe and his followers where all white robes he also does not like black animals especially black goats he hates them with all his heart. Also he hates the lgbtq and is a high chad who once threw a pride flag in a sewer he is a ultra chad

The grand wizard

by David the grand wizard February 1, 2023

2👍 3👎

Five W's and 1 H is a grand slam in baseball (direct questions)...

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Five W's and 1 H is a grand slam in baseball (direct questions)...

by LeSouffleDeVersailles January 24, 2025

Matteo Grande

Jameson and coke with a lime and mint garnish.

Damn, that Matteo grande slaaaps

by Dexel123456 September 2, 2023

Grand Theft Auto 7

a game thats not gonna come out until like 2056 since rockstar games havent even made gta 6 yet after 9 years

November 2056- guy. oh my god dood grand theft auto 7 has finaly came out!

by narla2 August 31, 2022

Grand Slam girl

a fake tennis fan who only follows the Grand Slams and none of the smaller tennis tournaments

S: Omg, did you watch Indian Wells last night? That Delpo match was insane!
N: Uhh... durr... what?
S: Ugh, you're such a Grand Slam girl.

by FThunder526 March 30, 2018

grand larsony

when a person with the last name larson steals a large sum of money, usually over 100$

hey that guy is committing grand larsony

by thatblondguy February 7, 2025

The Grand Canyon

The act of pissing between ones butt cheeks, creating the visual of the Grand Canyon.

“Tonight, Martha and I are going to go make the Grand Canyon

Sheila and I cant make the Grand Canyon because she’s too flat”

by Cakeman June 14, 2020