Oof. The word Oof is generally used when someone else, or the user of the word, does something wrong and makes a mistake. The response is “Oof”. The word itself sounds like it would be used in an undesirable situation.
Someone who is dying "OR" Someone who is not feeling well... Oof was originated in MESSIAH and The sound was stolen by Roblox making the sound is well known because of Roblox
Guy 1:Man i died in Minecraft Hardcore mode
Guy 2:Oof
A small word to occupy a moment of awkwardness or react to someone's bad experience.
Person 1 : " How's your girlfriend? "
Person 2 " Add an 'ex' to that girlfriend of mine. "
Person 1 " Oof. "
“Oh Oh Fuck Me”
Servers Down
I can't sleep
Meadsy : oof