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quirky bread eater

Someone who’s cool and awesome and sexy and awesome and amazing and so cool and also very sexy

wow there’s that quirky bread eater, i always knew they were very sexy

by sew your fingers together November 13, 2021

Yellow rice eater

We ain’t talking bout John Doe or some stupid shit on roblox that only little kids believe in.
Now THIS is real. Yellow rice eater is a urban legend. Don’t worry you don’t have to try to find him, because he finds YOU. If you see him RUN. Don’t turn back his huge ass will catch you. Don’t every try to fight with this man. He’s like the Voldemort of roblox.

“Hey! Yellow rice eater is in this server!”
Nah there is no way.”

by Blaireisfuckingstupid October 3, 2020

1👍 1👎

Blade eater

1. A person who likes to suck d*ick just for fun, not necessarily for gay reasons.

2. Someone who's always fucking around doing whatever comes to mind.

I don't like joining my friends Discord server, there's so many blade eaters lately.

by Larry Capucha March 24, 2023

Weed Eater

Someone who is always high as fuck, even when they’re not smoking weed.

Lucia: Did you see Mark? He’s such a weed eater
Jasmine: I know you did not just reference something from Veggietales
Lucia: No you dumb bitch, a weed eater so someone who is always stoned
Jasmine: Ahh I gotcha now

by flamboyanceannoyance January 29, 2021

Ant Eater

A Jewish man Uncircumcised.

Paul has an Ant Eater

by 78' March 11, 2021

Picky Eater

A knob.

Jack: That guy over there is such a knob.
Dad: Don’t say that Jack. Do you know what a knob is?
Jack: Yeah. It’s a picky eater.
Dad.l: Nah mate. It’s the end of your dick.
Jack: oops…

by Andos Hastos December 25, 2021

sweater eater

A vibrator that tears that hairy shit up.

Misty got really excited to use her new sweater eater tonight.

by John Yinzer December 29, 2016