Rain that is really small to see with a bare eye
You could not tell it was raining hard because it was only Particle Rain.
When you're really sad so you start crying
I was sad so I started raining and then I got more sad.
A person who is mysterious but you see them around frequently
See that boy over there he’s a secret to the rain (secret of the rain)
When the rain is so heavy that it creates bubbles.
I’m not waiting outside for the bus, because it’s bubble rain out there.
A meme song created by parry grip in 2012
It’s raining tacos
I am a Karen, a narcissist and I don't really care about what happens to the world. You people can do whatever as long as it doesn't effect me and Unicorn (my child).
I like to take Unicorn on walks daily. I don't like to help anyone if they need it. I find my self amazing and no one could be better. Most people say I am self center, I haven't ever been bothered to find out what that means.
Most people are shocked that I call my dog, my child. But she is my one true family member and I love her.
My parents and sisters don't talk to me anymore because they are ashamed of me. However, I have made my way into the dental industry.
I work long hours and deserve a pay raise. Especially since I have Unicorn to look after.
I enough giving people feedback on their lives and make it clear to them what have should do better.
Love myself just as much!
Me looking in the mirror: "Woah, I look gorgeous today Rain Bow!"
Me talking to a stranger: "Ewww, you should change yourself!"
"raining" is the part of emotions that keep flowing
the meaning of "it stopped raining" is that the person lost feelings
"I'm really sorry, i didn't mean to upset you"
"it stopped raining"