The condition of being safe or safer from falls or falling. To lessen something's ability to create a fall.
Strengthening their legs through walking can help seniors become fall-safe. Regular inspections and maintenance of public stair ways makes them fall-safer.
When the hot girls return from their summer entanglements, it's the city boyz turn to be great(especially with nurses and teachers).
Ashley was having fun posting hotgirl summer vibes on IG and Snap, but Ricky kept liking all her pics getting ready fuckboy fall.
A timeless debate that people have argued about for decades. It’s a close call but no side has risen supprime just yet…
Person 1: dude summer is the best season, BBQs, the beach, and Fourth of July! It cant be topped!
Person 2: your’e so retarded! fall is way better! Thanksgiving, Halloween, carving pumpkins, raking leaves!
Person 3: i like spring
Person 1 and 2: shut the fuck up were arguing about summer vs fall!
The point of time in a series where the writers can no longer keep the audience engaged through a good plot and instead resort to ridiculous gimmicks to try and keep interest in the series going. Named after the Season 6 “Thank you” episode from “The Walking Dead” where Steven Yeun’s character fell of a dumpster into a sea of zombies and his fate was not addressed for another four episodes. In the interim, cast and crew were vague about the character’s fate and Steven Yeun’s name was removed from the credits. However, it was eventually revealed that the character miraculously survived unscathed (see “Jumping the Shark”).
"Did you see that episode of 'Red Oaks' I told you about?"
"Yeah, man, that show totally fell off the dumpster"
Falling off the dumpster
When a girl/female is on her Menstrual cycle/ period and it's her sarcasm saying that her ovaries are going to fall out
My stomach hurts so much my ovaries fall out
Slang for Great Falls, Montana as it's full of crackheads
Stay classy Crack Falls
Holding your pee to the point where it becomes painful so that you don't have to leave a position where someone you're on a date with has just made a move. Alternately, doing this during a new fling during "Netflix and Chill". But then the "going over" is pissing your pants.
Oh man the date was going great but then she started going over niagara falls and it was awkward.