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Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms in one or more of the deep veins in the body, usually in the legs. Deep vein thrombosis can cause leg pain or swelling. Sometimes there are no noticeable symptoms. You can get DVT if you have certain medical conditions that affect how the blood clots.

100% speedrunning just cause 3 multiple times may give you deep vein thrombosis

by Blitzkriegsler August 28, 2022

Deep vein thrombosis



imma speedrun Just Cause 3 until I get DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS

by Mr. QB March 7, 2022

Deep Fried Pizza

A Pizza That Is Deep Fried

Youtuber: Today We Are Making Deep Fried Pizza.
Gordon Ramsey: Young Man, KILL YOURSELF!!!

by torthepro April 4, 2023

deep heat rodeo

To rub deep heat cream into the toilet seat and wait for a victim to take a shit then all hell breaks loose

Yeehaa!! Deep Heat Rodeo !!!!!

by urban skidmarks September 22, 2017

Truth or deep truth

A game that you play with people over text instead of truth or dare. You ask someone Truth or deep truth? If they say truth you ask them something like their favorite color or favorite movie, things like that. But if they ask for a deep truth then you ask personal stuff like "Have you ever witnessed somebody you cared about die?"

Tyrone: Truth or deep truth?

Connor: Deep Truth

Tyrone: What's the worst thing you've ever done to somebody?

by Friendly Neighborhood mememan June 28, 2019

McDonald's deep fryer

A place where magical and intimate thing happen

Guy1: "it started as friendship but we ended up going to the McDonald's deep fryer in no time"
Guy2: *visibly salivating*

by Jawmy December 23, 2020

sex in the deep end

1. An act that can be accomplished only by a swimmer and a girl. It consists of pull buoys, kick boards, the deep end of the pool, and some very strategic movement. A swimmer that accomplishes this would be known as a god among his team mates.

2. Slang term for pulling off something crazy.

1. Jake took Mandy to the pool yesterday after school and they had sex in the deep end!

2. You did what? That's total sex in the deep end, man.

by That one cool person January 3, 2005

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