Ben “You’re grandpap a trap”
Dale “Ur family reunion a homosexual communion”
Ben *Dies
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The worst insult ever, immediately after saying this phrase, the universe fucking explodes
Person 1: Your Mom Gay
Person 2: Your Dad Lesbian
Person 1: Your Granny Tranny
Person 2: Your Grandpap a Trap
Person 1: *inhales deeply*
Person 2: ...
Person 1: Your whole family tree lgbt
Person 2: *fucking dies*
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This is a very godly insult. No other insult can beat this.
Ted: ur mom gay
Timmy: ur dad lesbian
Ted: ur granny tranny
Timmy: ur grandpap a trap
The whole earth is shaking.
Ted: ur sister a mister
Timmy: ur brother a mother
Ted: ur niece obeser
Timmy: ur aunt a crossiant
Antarctica is the first continent to collapse and burn up.
Ted: ur uncle nick has no dick
Timmy: ur family tree LGBT
Ted: ur poo LGBTQ
Timmy: ur family reunion homosexual communion
All of the Earth except Timmy and Ted's homes have collapsed.
Ted: ur ancestors incestors
Timmy: ur genome gives gnome dome
Ted: ur god a fraud
Timmy: ur genus likes penis
Ted: ur social media penile encyclopedia
Timmy: ur family vacation anal penetration
Ted instantly dies and explodes into dust. All of the Earth except Ted returns back to normal.
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The absolute most powerful "ur" insult in existence. All other insults are mere cherry bombs compared to this supernova level annihilation. Be careful with this insult as it could end the world as we know it.
Dan: hey
Bob: hey
Dan: ur family reunion a homosexual communion
(Nothing happens, all of a sudden there is a loud bang and Bob is instantly hurled through heaven, hell and purgatory simultaneously and they all shatter. Afterwards Bob is now non-existent. Nobody remembers Bob because now he has never existed.
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Worst insult known to man, trumps all others, and should only be used if you have to finish another man. This one cannot have no u used as a rebuttal, as it is too strong
Bob- Ur mom gey lul
Joe-Ur dad lesbian
Bob- Ur granny tranny
Joe- Ur grandpap a trap
Bob- Ur family tree LGBT
Joe- Ur family reunion a transgender communion
*Bob tries to say no u but dies immediately*
22👍 31👎
a stupid meme that, along with the other list of 'ur mom gay'-inspired comebacks, originated and died in 2018.
Besides, most people in 2022 would probably find this cringe cus everything is taken more seriously nowadays
sussy_wussy3421: <message deleted> (ur family tree lgbt)
sussy_wussy3421: Hey why'd u delete my message it was a joke
MOD Heisenberg: This is an lgbtq friendly stream, it's still considered offensive regardless if it was a joke
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A World-Ending Phrase. The Universe slows its expansion every time the word is uttered by way of mouth and the dead rise one centimeter from their graves. Those that have been Cremated will materialize a little bit as well. The Sun ages 3 billion years, and all within a radius of the words usage suffer dire consequences. The worst part? Feminism gains a whole 6 extra followers every time somebody says "You're Family Tree LGBT". How can there possibly be a worse phrase than this?
The Ground Quakes, The Earth Shatters Beneath your feet. You're Dickhead Friend spoke that wretched phrase simply as a joke he saw from a dead meme, for he could not comprehend the consequences. The Sky turns a sickly purple as blood pours from black clouds, filling in the rifts from the previous earthquake. A Choir with heavy organ and strings decend with heavy-metal flair and deafen all within a 23.5 mile radius. All of the dead members rise from their graves, as well as all the deceased named Dave. Swarms of Daves rise, covered in blood. The seek revenge against your friend. Your family twitch and shift and morph into a massive flesh and bone tendril that stretches all the way to ground zero. You can hear nothing, yet you feel the tugging, the urge to rip your friend into three thousand pieces. The Daves, you Fleshy Family Amalgam, and Yourself descend upon the unwary and the day was rent with the screams of nightmare.
Never Speak The Phrase "You're Family Tree LGBT"
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