The burning sensation you feel in your anus after you eat spicy foods.
I ate a habanero yesterday. I had the fire squats like crazy.
To put in multiple tampons, and tying the strings in the same manner you would tie together multiple fire frackers
"I only have lights so imma Fire Cracker it."
A certified 20, the type of lady you want to wife up, but she is out of your league, though if you get your chance don't mess it up.
Going down UCLA's bruinwalk I see Fire Mommy's left and right.
term for the anus after anal sex
"Ouch! My Fire Exit!"
Massive burning diarrhea you get after eating REALLY spicy food
Damn dude, you put the ghost pepper hot sauce on you're wings? your going to be hanging fire tonight!
Highly considered one of the brightest young Electro groups in many years. This duo has opened the world of electro to new heights. With such hits as "Thrallmar" and "Parkers sisters phone". The Futures of these two young men look very bright indeed.
Dude1: Dude! Listening to Electro Fire is like the exact opposite of getting kicked in the nuts by Goldberg.
Dude2: Oh totally!