A cluster-fuck of events that spiral out of hand
"Shit Matthew it's like a couch fire!"
If you announce something is op fire then it is then telling everyone you or something is overpowered and that it is figuartively on fire as an expression, you also have a state of god mode .
friend: thats cool
me: no
me: its op fire though
friend: kind of is though
When you cover a dick with hot sauce, then suck that dick until you throw up
Omg, Becky. Todd gave me such a fire throat after that night we ate chicken wings.
Fire started with a box of Tampons.
"Do any of you bitches have a tampon? We need to start a tamp fire."
A fire mouth is a person who is always eating hot foods,spices, or salty foods.
“Kasper is always eating somethong hot, hes such a fire mouth!”
A young Rocket League Youtuber that is known for being extremely good at the game, very funny and entertaining to watch. He is also apart of the "Pulse" clan for Rocket League and is the most popular out of the clan at the time of writing this.
"Did you see Pulse Fire's new video yet?"
"Yeah! I cannot believe how good he is at Rocket League!"
"ikr he is so funny too and definitely deserves more subs on YT"