An awsome girl who loves great music and is extremely sweet. The Pomme can often be found fangirling over korean stars and talking to an equally obsessed boy who is trying to think of something nice to type x
E.g Molly Dunne is very nice she always majes me smile
Usually weird uncle and aunts from America. Mollie has an obsession with smurfs. Adam is good at drawing.
Friend: Who are Mollie and Adam?
Me: My American aunt and uncle.
Molly is an amazing independent artist that writes empowering, catchy songs about FEELINGS. She has rainbow hair. Stream her album •Voice on the Internet• right now
Molly Moore just played her first festival at bottlerock! ugh she’s so cool
The act of bringing ones knees closer to your chest by Sitting curled up like a ball while Rolling fucking balls on MDMA.
That guy over there must be rolling because he looks so happy now that he discovered Molly Balling.
simultaneously the best person in the world and a loser
i met a girl the other day, she's such a mollie rees
dang man, you're lucky
simultaneously the best person in the world and a loser
i met a girl the other day, she was such a mollie rees
dang man you're lucky
Mollie Annie loves the protein and the gym.
Who's that girl at the gym.
Oh it has to be a Mollie Annie.