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Grumpy Cat

A female cat named Tarder Sauce, who lots of people think is male. She has feline dwarfism, and a brother cat named Pokey.

Grumpy Cat is pure awesomeness.

Will-"Grumpy Cat is the best! He's so cool!"

Dalia- "Dude, no! Grumpy Cat is a girl, duh!"

Insurance Salesperson- *in a perky scary voice* - "Hello! Would you like -"

Grumpy Cat - "No."

Random Person - "Oh no! My iPod/iPhone just died! Now I can't take selfies!!!!!"

Grumpy Cat - "Good."

It is a goal of mine to meet Grumpy Cat aka Tarder Sauce. :) this is my first definition, hope you like it!

Grumpy Cat- " No."

by wait, what?! definitions June 28, 2013

84πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

wax the cat

To clean up the pubic area; not unisexual for the obvious reference to the slang term for a woman's genital region.

Honey, if you want me to go to Chinatown tonight, you better wax the cat.

by dalbort June 3, 2007

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Cat Fart

n. A horribly smelly, wet, inhuman fart. It smells like it came from a cat, but it comes from a person. Can cause vomiting, headaches, and loss of life.

Her: What the FUCK is that smell?

Him: I farted.

Her: No you didn't that couldn't have been you it smells too bad.

Him: It definitely was me.

Her: Holy shit that smells like a cat fart! OH MY GOD. *pukes*

by treximeanbob January 23, 2011

25πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Crazy Cat

1. Someone who is doing something madm, outragous or out of the norm!

1. frank starts singing & dancing in the street
paul "Man your one Crazy Cat"

2. Geoff says something contriversal- "Geoff you Crazy Cat"

by Craig Phillips September 19, 2005

25πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Feed the cat

Another way of saying I'm going home to have a session.

Cakes: I have to go home to feed the cat!
Vic: You need to lay off the 6 paper joints!

by boltis May 18, 2010

72πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

nyan catting

a really fucking annoying virus that earrapes you and you can never delete it. help me.

person 1: bruh why does your laptop keep splurting out the nyan cat theme
person 2: idk man its a virus that I cant ever delete. its nyan catting.

by ihaveanyancatvirus July 24, 2020

Cat Woman

Similar to β€œThe Superman” The Cat Woman is the act of ejaculating on ones face while they’re sleeping and sticking a Hello Kitty pillow to their face so it’s stuck to their face like a sticker in the morning.

Me: My ol lady fell asleep early last night so she got a β€œCat Woman”
Friend: bro really???

by Cat woman24333 December 7, 2019