Source Code

Arkansas Walking Crip

When you and 5 or more friends hire an elderly (must be 70 and older) prostitute with cane. As ritual in Arkansas the youngest male of the group must shove the handle end of the cane inside the vagina of the prostitute. If done correctly the prostitute will have a third "leg" which will assist her in walking. Also known as an AWC

*2 guys in a car*
Guy 1:Check out that prostitute!
Guy 2:Woah you see that cane! She's an Arkansas Walking Crip!
Guy 1:See knows her way around the block with a few guys.
Guy 1:She definitely got AIDS.

by cotajmahal August 29, 2012

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Arkansas Socket Set

Another name for a crescent wrench

Hand my that arkansas socket set so I can loosen that bolt!

by Ertlguy April 23, 2009

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Arkansas Box Cutter

When a guy from Arkansas is fingering his sister and with his uncut jagged nails he cuts her pussy.

Last night I gave my sister an Arkansas Box Cutter and it took forever to stop the bleeding.

by loafnaround September 4, 2020

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arkansas pile driver

When u put your girl in a handstand and then proceed to put your penis in her and spin around

Omg, I never tried that Arkansas pile driver but now I'm hooked

by Elijah a dumbass February 27, 2017

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Arkansas Crack-A-Saurus


1. A waitress or waiter in the state of Arkansas, especially in the city of Little Rock, that unexpectedly shows you his or her ass crack while you are sitting eating dinner.

"Oh my god Patrick look at that!" That waitress just unleashed the Arkansas Crack-A-Saurus....

by ELGenerali February 18, 2010

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Arkansas Titty-bounce

when a woman over 300 LBs begins to hop excitedly about food.

i had my birthday at the bennigans down the street and my mom revealed my huge ice cream cake. everyone was calm except for some jolly ol' fat ass named betty 5 tables down. she began to perform an arkansas titty-bounce. i then proceeded to puke.

by yowiena69 March 14, 2010

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Arkansas Rack Attack

When You cut of a lady's left Boob with a 1987 brand pair of scissors, Load it into a M79 Grenade Launcher and proceed to run around the neighborhood, shooting a left boob at people while shouting "skrrrahh, pap, pap, ka-ka-ka
Skidiki-pap-pap, and a pu-pu-pudrrrr-boom Skya, du-du-ku-ku-dun-dun dun dun ya done now. Traditionally done while wearing a "Sexy Pennywise" halloween Costume

OMG... Did you see Billy out their!!! He was Arkansas Rack Attacking people.

by BigOlFart November 9, 2017

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