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clog up the feed

When someone really annoying on Facebook constantly updates their status, pictures, or comments on everyone's wall with nonsense.

Bob: Dude Jim is getting so annoying.
Bill: Why?
Bob: He continues to clog up the feed.

Bill: Yeah I hate when people do that

by Giz Pants April 5, 2010

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pop me clogs

To die

I swear if I don't get a rest soon I'll pop me clogs.

by Caroline May 10, 2003

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popped his clogs

To literally die.

Did you hear about the old guy down the street? He finally popped his clogs,they found him yesterday.

by boomstick6699 December 30, 2014

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clog n' jog

To clog a toilet in a hotel and check out of the room before unclogging it. This will save you the embarrassment of asking the front desk for a plunger. It is common courtesy to leave a small tip on the seat of the toilet for the house cleaning.

Guy 1: Dude did you clog this toilet?
Guy 2: Yeah man, but I'm just gonna pull a clog n' jog, let's go!

by BassString September 20, 2010

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clog smoking

smoking a cigar in a garage while wearing stylish clog shoes

dude i clog smoked all night (clog smoking)

by electric slide king February 27, 2010

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Clog-Wearing Bastard

People who like the colour orange, weed, and despite not having English as a first language, are very fluent in it.

"If we lose to them clog-wearin bastards again I will not be happy"

by J April 16, 2005

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clogged meat musket

When there's a little bit of something stuck in your penis so when you cum it feels like a testicle just exploded.

Person 1: Hey man wanna go to the movies?

Person 2: Can't sorry I had a clogged meat musket yesterday now I don't wanna move.

by Tahm kench master July 18, 2016