The UI font that used in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.
The font DIN 2014 was designed by the Russian designer Vasily Biryukov in 2014.
Samson Dinning is a cute little beast of a man who will attempt to kiss, hug or touch you. He can be bi-polar as f*ck sometimes but he’s usually nice. Sometimes he jumps on top of you and grabs you by the collar and assaults you. He’s also a part time drilla who begs for attention and friends.
Samson Dinning jumped on me yesterday, what a drilla.
That kid has no mates 💀
Yeah I know! He’s such a Samson Dinning
A loud, unpleasant sound used a lot in Irish slang
"It was scream, bang, shout. Raise an awful din"
Australian Aboriginal slang word for "anus"
Ere look that dog, he din squeezing hard to jump in that water
All numbers; Alphabet is the set of letters, Din is the set of numbers
Damn man you don't got a forehead, you got a whole din head