Usage: Pejorative.
Var: Oh! I work for Elon, etc.
See Also: {Cunt money},{Work},{Moron},{Boss Man Cabbage}
1. Usually a boss - thinks themselves a genius. When if fact they are just an idiot.
2. This idiocy is matched only by their luck in any given situation. Luck, rather than genius/skill is always used as a yard stick of their Genius. This is a genius move until their luck runs out and they are exposed as a twat.
2.2 They suffer like no one else you know from DUNNING–KRUGER EFFECT and it only ever seems to get worse.
3. The protagonist displays the largest pair of brass balls imaginable even whilst doing something stupid, this however is a sign of their genius.
4. They often punch down and are prone to throwing man baby temper tantrums.
5. If your Boss shows any of these traits, your properly WORKING FOR ELON MUSK.
6. Tell your Boss. "You remind me of Elon musk" for promotion and pay raise prospects.
7. Tell your Boss. "it's like I work for Elon musk" every time the thick Twat does something stupid or interjects a brilliant idea or steals one of yours.
8. I work for Elon musk.
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