Feck- a cross between fuck and heck and is to be used in place of both
That's fecking amazing
Holy feck
What in the feck
Scottish slang for Fuck, used by the greatest accent ever.
Oh,Feck off, ya chubby coon
When you are slightly frustrated with something, but do not want to us a hard fuck.
Cedar: Feck, dropped me cheese.
Jacob Jacobson: O-o
Play upon the term Fact Check. Used to describe having Facebook posts and shares flagged with various warnings regarding the factual nature of the post.
Well, they did it again. They chact fecked the Babylon Bee. Somebody must be really bored over there.
When you want to swear (using the f bomb) but can’t, use this word meaning f-ing combined with hecking so technically you aren’t swearing.
Person 1- OW! That fecking hurt!