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1. Adjective; when a girl holds your feelings for ransom, for a 10 piece chicken nugget, a large fry, and a large Sprite.

1. There’s a line of guys at McDonald’s all ordering the same thing , the Hangry meal for about two people.

2. One guy to another guy while waiting in line at the cash register at McDonald’s.
Guy I: Your girlfriends Hangry too?

Guy II: Yah.
Guy I: May God help you.

by The_flakening December 25, 2017


Hangry is when you are hungry and angry at the same time.

I'm so hangry!

by Interius July 17, 2021


when your hungry and your tired of waiting

hurry up the line im hangry

by yeetmageet/ yeet is good yeet February 10, 2021


Someone who get's angry when hungry ...

Hungry and angry in one word

Sorry for what I said when I was Hangry

by July wi March 4, 2017


Hangry means you’re literally starving because your mom won’t take you to chick-fa-la and you’re really mad now. So that’s what hangry means.

Mom can you take me to chick-fa-la?” “No you’re fat you need to stop eating you pig.” “You made me hangry nice going mom!”

by DelaneyxRenee December 14, 2019



I am Hangry!!!!!!!!!!

by DanTheHarryPotterMan July 4, 2020


The grumpy attitude you get when you have missed a meal or eaten food on schedule.

Steve: I'm getting hangry, let's grab some food, I haven't eaten in hours.

by grubrubber June 6, 2014