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A religion created by Muhammad 1400 years ago. Muhammad is a prophet of Islam, although many people say that Adam was the first prophet. Last of the three Abrahamic faiths. Means "submission" in Arabic.

Currently undergoing a period of media scrutiny and is being ravaged by terrorists, extremists and Islam haters.

The Quran is the holy text, while the Hadith is the collection of saying from Muhammad and close friends.

Islam is a good religion, however it must undergo a reform and Muslims must learn to be tolerant of other cultures, religions, beliefs and ways of life of other people. Islam does not always have a good record when it comes to this, and Muslims often do not live in harmony with different people. Take current examples of Philippines, Thailand, Iraq, Pakistan and Africa for example.

We are seeing a new wave of reformist Muslims coming along in Islam. Hopefully this will be the change we need to secure a more peaceful world.

by Obamaistheman643 October 1, 2009

137๐Ÿ‘ 992๐Ÿ‘Ž


the fastest growing religion in earth surprisingly despite all disinformation esp. after 9/11 (what islam never orders something like that attack on innocent people far away from the warzone, rip all died there)

"islam is the religion since Adam and Eve. all prophets including Abraham(pbuh) Jesus(pbuh) and Moses (pbuh) advertised islam to their followers"

by alsoknownaswww August 29, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


"The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years." - CNN
ISLAM is the fastest growing religion in the world. Because Islam is a complete way of life. It tells man about the purpose of his creation and existence, his ultimate destiny, his place among other creatures and more importantly, it provides him with guidance to lead a balanced and purposeful life. Check it out, maybe you would like it ;)

Ask about Islam: (Very informative website)
http://www.islamonline.net /servlet /Satellite?cid= 1121601592958&pagename= IslamOnline-English-AAbout_Islam /Page/AskAboutIslamCounselingE
(There are no spaces in the link give above. However, it was essential that I put spaces because they wouldn't allow me here to use "words that are more than 40 characters long *roll eyes.* But please visit, you will be amazed... I was..)

by CuteKitty July 16, 2006

158๐Ÿ‘ 1201๐Ÿ‘Ž


Who ever said islam is a copied religion and is made by arabs is totaly wrong u really don't know wat ur talking about u need to get ur facts straight before writing a bunch of lies. AND ISLAM always existed ok islam came to all the profets but things were different wit every profet and we did not copy the christians and jews its just that our religions r similiar but we disagree in some things.

all of yall haters have no knowledge of islam, if yall did u wouldn't be talking so much shit about this GREAT RELIGION.

by Muna May 25, 2005

148๐Ÿ‘ 1125๐Ÿ‘Ž


*reading other hate-based definitions and ROFL*


A religion supports peace and based on submission to God.
Very tolerant, yes. The religion & teachings, yes. The people? not always (humans aren't perfect). if u are interested.. : (w w w . w h a t i s i s l a m . o r g . u k) or (9 9 i s l a m . c o m ---> NICEEEE LAYOUT)

Misunderstood. Misunderstood. Misunderstood. Misunderstood.

I used to live in Australia and attended 3 schools.
One of them is catholic school, yet I'm a Muslim there.
There were also a few Muslim friends there too and while they were commenting on the teachings of school, I was very upset that they're Muslims but don't tolerate other religions and shit-talked them (idk why, are they real Muslims?).

Hey, Islam teaches us toleration. If a Muslim really practiced ALL of the God/Allah's commands, he/she WILL tolerate other religions.

And for mistaken surahs like we should kill non-believers, that was messenged at times of war (ex. crusade), so think about it, would you let your enemies attack, kill your families, steal your money, you while you 'tolerate' them at war?

But in real daily life, they must be nice to them, (listen, bros & sis.) So bombing with the intention to kill innocent non-believers is NOT Islamic.

To Muslim-haters, think about what you're saying first. Yeah i know it's fun to make fun of people to make yourself feel better. Ha.

All mistakes are done by humans, not God's.

Peace & Love ~ :)

oh, and stop being racists :| you're just proving to the world that you haven't passed grade school geography AND you need counseling. Sorry.


Muslim: Huh? Astaghfirullah. Go read The Holy Quran and learn the REAL Islam.

by >.<" June 11, 2009

144๐Ÿ‘ 1096๐Ÿ‘Ž


The definition of Islam is not found in any of the entries below, or even this one for that matter. To truly understand this religion or do it any sort of justice, do some research. Reading biased opinions made by ignorant people will not give you any clear or truthful definition of Islam.

Internet-loving tween: Dude, isnt Mo getting married next week? Even though we're 11? Muslims do that, right, like as a part of Islam?

Informed Individualist Tween:...No.

by Michiroo September 21, 2006

153๐Ÿ‘ 1185๐Ÿ‘Ž


Primarily Arabic religion teaching peace, love, and dedication to the one True God--Allah. The prophet Muhammad was given the direct word of Allah by the angel Gabriel, where it was taken down verbatim and has remained unchanged since. Their holy book, the Qu'ran, names several miracles performed by Muhammad by permission of Allah, as well as several scientific truths proved only recently by modern technology--the borders of saline and freshwater, the shape of a microscopic embryo in development, the concept that the earth and heavens were one united 'dust' before they were separated (as in the Big Bang Theory). Right-wing Christians have corrupted the security Muslims share in their faith into an image of terrorism and evil, although the true meaning behind the faith is of peace and acceptance, as they take Christians and Jews as fellow followers of the Book--misguided, but still devout to the same God.

The advent of Islam in the 6th century came as the Bible became corrupted and Allah sent His final prophet.

by Wasser_Spiegel June 18, 2005

155๐Ÿ‘ 1203๐Ÿ‘Ž