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no love

To 'get no love'. Is to recieve no respect, recognition, kudos or empathy from a crowd or audience (either goup of friends or on a stage/field).

"Man, I told 'em 'bout those 8 fools I capped last night, but they gave me 'no love' for it."
"Shaquille O'Neill gets 'no love' when he travels with the LA Lakers to Orlando."

by Diego August 26, 2003

103๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

to love

giving someone the power to break your heart... but trusting them not to.

i want you to know that i KNOW that i love you.

by sdfghjkl; January 15, 2005

101๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Love is when all you care about is their happiness, safety, and health. If they are gone for more than 2 minutes you already miss and long for them to be next to you. Their smile makes you melt, their presence makes you grin and feel happy. Like a burning fire in your heart erupts when you fall in love with them and never goes away. Just a simple hug from them makes you feel unreal. A kiss from them makes you feel loved and makes you want to show your love for them. You would die for them, you also sometimes cry for no good reason, other than, you want them by your side. You actually find yourself listening to love songs and think about them day in and day out. You want to hug them and never let go; you want to gaze into their precious eyes like there is no tomorrow. They are beautiful. You've felt attracted to others, but she/he never leaves your thoughts. You can not picture or imagine yourself loving anyone else in your entire life. They truly make you happy and you long to make them happy, your heart gets a weakness feeling when you see them. Your chest gets weak, you get shaky and may sweat around them. You are afraid of saying something stupid and may beat yourself up over something you said that you felt like it came out dumb, though it might not have been stupid. You have told her that you love her/him, passionately and truthfully. You would never lie to her/him, you feel like you can tell her/him anything. You stand by her/his side no matter what happens. You feel like their very existence completes you. Around them, nothing can go wrong, all is right in the world.

For those that have been rejected, but still love somebody: If you are friends with each other now, don't worry about it. If you truly love them, they will see it in your actions and very well may grow to love you. Just don't let go of hope.

For those that are in love, but don't know how to tell her/him: Just tell them. There is no simpler path to take. If you are alread BF/GF, then that is wonderful. Find a nice place to just sit down and talk, just tell them. But if you are not BF/GF, DO NOT COME HEAD ON AND CONFESS TO THEM, THIS IS THE MISTAKE I MADE, WE ARE FRIENDS BUT I DOUBT IT WILL BE ANYTHING MORE. PLEASE, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO END UP LIKE ME, BECOME HER/HIS BF/GF FIRST BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING!!

Love affects any age. I will repeat this one: Love affects ANY age. I know that some people say things like "Oh he's just 13, he can't love." That isn't true. Some people are more emotionally mature than others. Just because some kids haven't been in love doesn't mean it isn't possible at their young age. I completely encourage all ages to not hide this feeling, telling someone about your love for the person, normally a best friend of the opposite sex is the best option.

There is a lot more I have missed, but the night is aging and I must go to sleep. Thank you for reading.

Alejandra, I love you unconditionally and I always will until the day I die.

by omgggitsnick June 27, 2006

722๐Ÿ‘ 317๐Ÿ‘Ž


w h a t ` s L O V E ?

are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing? and is your voice caught within your chest?
it isn`t love, its like.

you can`t keep your eyes or hands off them, am i right?
it isn`t love, it`s lust.

are you proud and eager to show them off?
it isn`t love, its luck.

do you want them because you know they`re there?
it isn`t love, its loneliness.

are you there just cuz its what everyone wants?
it isn`t love, its loyalty.

Do you stay for their confessions of love, because you don`t wanna hurt them?
it isn`t love, its pity.

are you willing to give all of your favorite things for their sake?
it isn`t love, its charity.

are you there because they kissed you, or held your hand?
it isn`t love, its unconfident.

do you pardon their faults because you care about them?
it isn`t love, its friendship.

do you tell them everyday they are the only one you think of?
it isn`t love, its a lie.

But do you except there faults because they`re a part of who you are? Do you see their true heart, and touch your soul so deeply it hurts? Are you attracted to others, but stay with them faithfully without regret? Would you give them your heart, your life, your death and stay because a blinding in comprehensible mix of pain and elation pulls you close and holds you? now thats LOVE...

"love never fails..."

by DANiELLE.D June 26, 2005

4440๐Ÿ‘ 2072๐Ÿ‘Ž


love means risking your life to save theirs.

love is giving them the last piece of cake, no matter how much you want it.

love is giving your whole self and never holding back.

love is when he remembers things that you forgot about yourself.

love is when he reminds you of these things.

love is when he's the only one that can figure you out, when you don't even know who you are.

love is commitment.

love is that tingly feeling you get and you don't know why.

love is looking forward to waking up early in the morning just to watch them sleep.

love is indvidual, you love them in your own way.

love is true when no one can take it away, no matter how hard they try.

love is holding onto them like tomorrow will never come.

if you love someone you love them for the rest of your life...you dont question whether you love them or not its just dere & it stays with u for ever.

by polka September 18, 2005

708๐Ÿ‘ 312๐Ÿ‘Ž


Truly loving someone means that you care deeply about another person. You care if they screw up their lives as you want them to learn to love themselves. Love doesn't mean life is going to be perfect, it shouldn't be taken lightly, and the word shouldn't be misused, if it is used in a romantic way. There will be arguments and misunderstandings, but love will mean that you will try and get over any hurdles and issues together. True love isn't selfish and can bring people together in a way nothing else can, it is a soul connection, a commitment of the heart. Life can tear people apart but love may bring them back together again. Love should never be taken for granted, although often it is. Love is more balanced than the highs and lows that passion and frustration bring. Love will conquer all, but only if work and effort from both sides is implemented in order to not destroy love. Love can be slowly destroyed piece by piece by violence, abuse, neglect, dishonor, and disrespect. So always make sure you honor true love. Understand that it is not perfect, then you won't feel let down by love. Each time you fall, love should be there to pick you up again, but sometimes it takes effort to remember not to misuse love by taking it for granted. Love doesn't happen as often as people think, but if you have lost love, you will find it again one day, - never lose hope.

Person 1: Love will see you through the darkest days in a relationship.
Person2: How so?
Person 1: Because love is about 2 people working together for the same outcome. They may go about it in different ways, which may even cause lots of arguments, but true love between 2 people will mean they will never stop trying.

by kb ss candy June 26, 2010

3057๐Ÿ‘ 1427๐Ÿ‘Ž


Love is sacrificial love is respect love is caring love is trust love is putting there needs before your own love is isn't always easy to describe its an action a feeling the most wonderful felling on the world and you know that everything is gonna be okay because in the end you will find love because there is someone meant for everyone someone will love you some one does love you you just have to hold on a a little longer wait a little longer and it will come love is taking risks love is everything and anything love is love

Don't ever be afraid to tell someone you love them

by Emma Alonzo January 24, 2018

76๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž