Derived from the Greek word "κῦδος", meaning "fame" and/or "glory". Used for awesomeness
Kudos for that last match, it was perfect
696👍 40👎
1. To praise someone
2. A sarcastic way of saying "congratulations"
Example #1
Girl 1: I got an A+ !
Girl 2: Kudos to you!
Example #2
Boy 1: Guess what?? Hola is Hello in Spanish!
Boy 2: Kudos to you for figuring that out...
253👍 152👎
To give someone recegnition for an accomplishment, used in online games mostly.
AZN ELITE SNIPER kills 'person totally owning everyone'
me: kudos azn elite sniper
109👍 144👎
Mark had a Kudo's bar, so i offered him my g/f in exchange for the bar. Good trade.
180👍 252👎
poseur word for good job, pretentious asswipes use to impress people
KUDOS as well to Peter Seamanlicker who nominated you, nice job Peter!
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Kudos- good for them a form of endearment
Kudos to those who have love in there harts
23👍 67👎
Reference to Acts 14:14.
When two men tear their clothes and run off into a crowd to talk about men.
Friend 1: hey brah, ya wanna go kudos with me in Times Square?
Friend 2: sorry man I went kudos yesterday.
21👍 62👎