Third eye, Reason, Consciousness. Used heavily in UG hip hop.
Damn, that girl has some crazy triple optic. Yeah shes down.
If this economy don't get better soon I may come down with a severe case of optical rectumitous.
Not beeing able to see shit because your head is so far up ur own ASS!!
Flaslight has Optical Rectumitius
Nigga Optics is a technology developped by Talon Industries that does recognize people of color!!!
Didn't you see that black person? No! Well my friend, you're in need of Nigga Optics!!!"
Thanks to Nigga Optics these store slide doors automatically open when a black person tries to enter the store!!!
An optic fondue pot is when a male partner shits into an eye socket and skull fucks it.
Hey girl, want me to give you an optic fondue pot?