Riff Laugh Love was created by The Showdown after reuniting for Furnace Fest 2022. Many photos of the reunited group feature the band playing extreme metal while smiling. This is a play on Live Laugh Love, the popular phrase seen on Home Decor. www.rifflaughlove.com
The Showdown at Furnace Fest was so Heavy and Fun, Those guys know how to Riff Laugh Love!
When two people, whilst engaged in the rapid exchange of witty banter, whether verbally or via text, respond with the exact same answer at the exact same time, thus causing a jinx. Because it occurs during banter or “riffing” it’s considered a riff jinx. Typically it’s something uber obscure or inside joke related, and is most common when the two parties are twin brains.
Greg: This 80’s song quiz is super easy.
Greg and Becky (simultaneously): Like Sunday morning.
Becky: Whoa, a riff jinx!!
Greg: How does that happen?
Becky: We’re just two twin brains, twinning.
Used in the Great Wryley area of Staffordshire. Use to a describe a good looking boy that they are desperately trying to shag.
Fern: “James is such a riff raff!”
derogatory slang for people of the Jewish agenda in concentration camps.
e.g. look at that dirty, big nosed riff raff stealing those coins.
Common folk from Reefton
"Look at the state of this riff raff gotta be from bloody reefton"