Source Code


stands for torrentbytes, which is a huge internet bittorrent filesharing site

Hey, did you see, Star Wars was on tb before it was in the cinema

by unzelfunzel May 29, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


too busy; didn't respond

Lin: I'm just going to assume that message was too long and you didn't read it
KL: I read it. tb;dr

by Lin / April 24, 2021


one of the most wanted sounds in electronic music, rivaling the tr-808, tr-909 and several moog synths. It was supposed to sound like a real bass guitar, which it totally sucked at. so roland, the manufacturer, stopped making them pretty quickly, so they're kinda rare. after that, house Djs in the 80's started messing around with them (Dj peirre?) and found that you could make some pretty wild sounds with them. 303s eventually came to form their own style of music Acid, where the 303 is in basically every song, or at least another synth trying to sound like a 303.

the 303 is actually a very simple synth, considering it only has one oscillator, only two waveform options (saw, square) and a (wicked) lowpass filter. so basically the filter is the best thing about it. it also has a built in sequencer, which allows you to program your bassline into it, then hit play and tweak the filter while it plays, making a freaking awesome sound! people also put effects on it, like phasor, distortion, and delay.

by karl July 15, 2004

35๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

TBS 13

True Brown Style 13 - The largest gang nation in the Philippines.


On the 5th day on the month of May of 1991,"True Blunt Sistaz 13"was introduced by Fil-Mex Girls from New Mexico At first,all members were girls. After a year the founder and the members went back to the states. So the rest of the members namely Rowena,Ogie,Gialdy and the other ladies welcomed guys at Robinsons Galleria like Don Lucas and his boys TBS 13 was made with Bloods and Crips due to the misunderstanding of the members. On 1993 Galleria became the Blood side of TBS13 and Quad Makati was born the Crip side headed by Joseph "Satan" with the help of Meynard "Dorobo" also known as "Padrino". 1995 was the year when TBS13 was active in Tondo and the first chapter was called "Solis Trues" founded by Stylus from Quad and Angel Creep from Galleria with the help of Dranreb "C-Style" and "Levies Bastardo" Joined force of the Bloods & Crips.And followed by the next Chapter in Blumentritt headed by Jasper from Galleria with the help of Van"Spoon" which represent Bloodside.Because of having more Guys than Girls in the Gang,True Blunt Sistaz 13 was changed to "True Brown Style 13" on 1996. And on this year the "Burn" to the members who wants to join was implemented.

Today most of the True Brown Style Hoods/Barrios no longer claim to be Bloods nor Crips. Not its TBS13 Southside for Blue Bandana users & TBS14 Northside for Red Bandana users. TBS13 Hoods that Claim Bloods & Crips are Fake TBS13 gang members.

TBS 13 Tondo
TBS 13 Paranaque

by bp_krye13 May 9, 2010

342๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

TBS funny

Disregarding the TBS logo, TBS funny is the total opposite of funny. Perhaps unfunny. Also, a sarcastic remark to make when someone says something they think is funny, but definitely is not.

Jim: "Don't you love Chris Rock? Isnt he funny"

John: "Yeah man, he's TBS funny."

by StarQueenBitch April 29, 2010

TB Special

A way to please your female partner via your middle and ring fingers.

1. You gave her the TB Special didnt you?
2. That poor bastard gave her the TB Special, but she didnt even touch his cock.
3.Tonight is the first date so, if she plays her cards right she'll be gettin the TB Special.

by CTat & TB December 20, 2007

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

tbs 13

one of the active gangs in the philippines - True Brown Style 13

i'm not a TBS 13 member.. bwehehehehe!

by Cuatro February 1, 2005

214๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž