The biggest name in swimming since Michael Phelps. (Trust me he isn’t) He is currently training under Phelps’ old coach Bob bowman and currently gunning for Phelps’ last individual world record.
Barring some unforeseen circumstances, Leon Marchand will break Michael Phelps last individual world record (the 400 Individual Medley) before 2023 is over.
The teaching and educational philosophy founded on the basis of moderate estimation and guessing; a process of learning in which the professor, educator, teacher, or other higher faculty member is at the approximate level of recollection as the students, pupils, or otherwise individuals of the class being taught
Student A: Hey y'all, would you care to accompany me in my travels to the local cafe for some drinks?
Student B: I would be honored, but it is in my deepest regards to inform you that I have Leon Chemistry homework to complete tonight.
Student A: That is quite unfortunate. Is there any way I can aid you in this assignment?
Student B: No, I find it too tough for even me or the teacher to understand the concepts in this work.
Pepega nib who always plays anime openings using FredBoat. Always plays arsenal on roblox and tft mobile fucking yikes :gaysad:
Project Leone: ;;play pillar man theme
The most aesthetic physique in the world
Did you know that Leon Edwards is a succulent sexy beast with the most aesthetic physique in the universe, his small slim waist creates an aesthetic v-taper, small calves with muscular thighs, lean and a moderate amount of muscle, he is truly the pinnacle of mankind. Bodybuilders, aren’t aesthetic athletes are, especially Leon Edwards.
23👍 2👎
When receiving oral pleasure from a woman, pull out of her mouth and cum in your hand. Then wipe your hand in her hair.
The definition of a complete nonce. He’s often big and bald and he’s got a bulge.
“Oh it’s fat guy” said Mohammed. Leon Strode is a big mun and a name for bigger mun than usual.