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[victory shot]

A shot of an alcoholic beverage ingested in celebration of victory.

I totally rocked that exam so I went home and had a victory shot.

by DarkLadyUtena November 7, 2008

victory nut

When you win an argument or fight, and bust a victory nut, and assert dominance

That win was so good , I'm going to bust a nut of pure victory. I'm going to call this occasion a victory nut

by Jimmbojummbo May 18, 2021

Victory Biff

noun- is when you sleep with a blonde, brunette, and a redhead in the same night.

"Maddie, Suzan, and Heather are all here tonight, I could totally achieve a victory biff and fulfill the prophecy."

by am122808 June 26, 2012

Golden Victory

When a person urinates all over another person. It can often lead to impregnation, although that makes no sense. When one carries out a Golden Victory, he/she must hold their arms up in the air and scream, hence "victory".

You probably can where the "golden" comes from... but if you can't... the piss.

" Guy 1: Dude im gonna piss all over your mom, I know how much you wanted a brother.

Guy 2: Golden Victory ! Awww yeah!"

by anony000 April 16, 2009

French Victory

A stupid fatboy's fav' joke.

-Hey bro, dya know about French Victory?

-Hmm, let me guess, Indian natives genocide? The Bay Pig humiliation? The Vietnam War retreat? September 11's cutter assault? The 2nd Irak War, our bravest fight versus peasants?

-Er, I think these are actually some of our finest American Victories! Don't you have any idea?

-No dude, sorry but I don't even know where's France, I'm just an ordinary American fatboy you know. I've heard of this animal stuff, named "Napolion" (sorry I can't handle special characters, it's way too complicate for us yanks) or some, but he was not French, he was from Corsica I've heard on my fav cultural show, the Jerry Springer Show! Corsica must be a small town in Louisiana. Mom told me about Charles Martel (sounds funny hihi!), Hastings and the occupation of England but she might be wrong, afterall French language is made of more than 60% of English words, it can't be! Like our finest America-bred philosoph, President George Walter Bush, said once "the weird with French is they don't even have a name for 'entrepreneur'!" I bet it on the Statue of Liberty, our finest achievement, our old American glory!

-Dammit! My History exam is tomorrow, I'm too dumb to open an History book and check about this shit.

-Hosterlitz, or Austerlitz maybe (too many letter in this word, i'm not used to handle such complicated spelling!), French kicking ass of the Brits, the Russians and the Germans together!

-Fuggedaboutit, Austerlitz is a Cajun food, you're lame boy! French state doesn't have a single standalone victory, while we a 50-state union are experienced fighters, we won versus peasants armies allover the world! We are shitting ourselves about North Korea, but hey! These ones have weapons! We've no chance...

by Bande de peigne-cul !! July 3, 2006

301๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž

victory lap

When masturbating, the few extra jerks you take after orgasm.

He jerked til he came, but kept going for a victory lap.

by Airplane86 December 30, 2010

113๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hipster Victory

When one person demonstrates hipster dominion over another.

Guy: "I love this band!"
Guy 2: "I love them too. Infact, I love the limited edition split E.P. they did back in 02 the most".
Guy: "I don't think I know that record..."
Guy 2: "Hipster victory!"
Onlooker: "Enjoy it, prick".

by Sander Cohen March 22, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž